
The general categories of reacing the target group, according to the Applicant's Guide and the Project Application are:

  1. The extreme poor/people living in extreme poverty

  2. Homeless people

  3. Socially assisted persons

  4. People of Roma ethnicity

  5. People from old tuberculosis outbreaks

  6. Beneficiaries in residential centers for the elderly

  7. Beneficiaries from neuropsychiatric recovery and rehabilitation centers

Mandatory characteristic: adults, from Mureș county, who live in the countryside 

a) they have their residence in the rural area according to their identity document

b) they have their domicile in the urban environment, and their residence in the rural environment. Residence is considered the location where a person lives for at least 15 days. 

The specific priority localities included in the project were chosen according to the high percentages of vulnerable people, compared to the general population of the locality, medical recommendations and the availability and cooperation of community nurses, Roma mediators and medical personnel in the territory. 

According to the documentation and information tools created within the project, which provide specific indications for the inclusion or exclusion of potential beneficiaries, depending on their belonging to the vulnerability characteristics, the specific categories of inclusion of the target group were defined as follows:

People can benefit from the information, education and/or screening activities provided in the project if they fit at least one of the criteria below:


Extreme poverty

1) People who have no income

2) People whose individual monthly income is below 600 lei/month (the approximate value of the minimum guaranteed income), including any type of income, regardless of whether or not they own goods or property

3)  People whose monthly income per family head is below 600 lei/month (the approximate value of the minimum guaranteed income), including any type of income, regardless of whether or not they own goods or property

4*) People who have a monthly income between 600 lei and 2000 lei individually and/or per family head and are part of one of the categories with a high risk of poverty and social exclusion: unemployed, inactive people, the elderly over 65 years old, people with low income education (no education, primary, secondary) or households with at least two adults and three or more children.


Homeless person

5) People who live on the street or in public places without having a shelter that has the characteristics of a home

6) People who lack a shelter that meets the defining conditions of a home (live in temporary or unsuitable shelters from the point of view of living conditions, including precarious housing, mobile homes, non-conventional buildings, disused houses, shelters with a rate of overcrowding)

7) Persons in residential centers for the homeless, both private and public (night shelters, emergency social centers, temporary accommodation centers for homeless adults, socio-professional integration centers for homeless adults)

8*) Persons who are in institutions that offer accommodation or penitentiaries from where, within 2 months, they will be discharged, respectively released, and have no domicile or residence (including young people who are about to leave placement centers, persons from prisons, the elderly, adults with disabilities, victims of domestic violence, victims of human trafficking and any person who benefits from social services with accommodation - described in detail in the Nomenclature of Social Services, approved according to Decision No. 867/2015

9*) People who live in unsafe locations and are unable to support a rental home (with family/friends, without legal basis, illegal property) or are at risk of eviction (have active eviction orders, of re-appropriation)


Beneficiary of social assistance

10) Benefit from social aid supported by the state budget/local budgets

11) Benefit from the family support allowance 

12) Beneficiază de ajutoare de urgență susținute din bugetul de stat și/sau din bugetele locale, acordate pentru situații datorate calamităților naturale, incendiilor, accidentelor, etc. 

13) Benefit from help for heating the home starting in November 2023

14) Beneficiaries from public assistance and care centers

15*) Benefit from social assistance to support people with special needs: the monthly HIV/AIDS food allowance, the monthly allowance granted to people with severe and severe disabilities. 

16*) The parent, guardian or the person who benefits from social benefits because he is in charge of raising and caring for the disabled child on the basis of a special protection measure, established under the law, during the period in which he has the child in care, supervision and maintenance.


Roma ethnicity

17) Persons who self-declare as belonging to the Roma ethnic group

18) Persons holding proof of belonging to the Roma ethnic group - certificate from the town hall, prefecture, Roma Party or any other Roma organization/foundation registered on the territory of Romania. 


TB Focar

19) People who are part of the proximal community where there are currently 3 active cases of tuberculosis and have not benefited from a pulmonary medical examination in the last 6 months

20) People who live/have lived together and have/had a joint household with a person sick with tuberculosis and have not benefited from a pulmonary medical examination in the last 6 months

21) People who work with a person sick with tuberculosis and have not benefited from a pulmonary medical examination in the last 6 months.


Beneficiaries in residential centers for the elderly

22) People living in public residential centers for the elderly

23*) People living in private residential centers for the elderly


Beneficiaries from neuropsychiatric recovery and rehabilitation centers

24) People who live in public centers for recovery and neuropsychiatric rehabilitation

25*) People who live in private neuropsychiatric recovery and rehabilitation centers



*categories marked with an asterisk represent secondary categories of belonging to the target group. Beneficiaries from these categories will represent a minority of the total beneficiaries in the project.
