
     The Mureș County Clinical Hospital was established by Government Decision no. 621/2007 regarding the reorganization of the Emergency County Clinical Hospital and is subordinate to the Mureș County Council. Mureș County Clinical Hospital, with administrative headquarters in Tîrgu Mureș, str. Bernady Gyorgy, no. 6, operates in a flag system, the buildings under administration being dispersed throughout the Tîrgu Mureș municipality (16 addresses). Currently, the Mureș County Clinical Hospital operates with a number of 21 wards and 4 compartments, mostly clinics, located in a pavilion system throughout the area of ​​Tîrgu Mureș Municipality.

     The Mures County Clinical Hospital is a public health unit with beds, of local, county and regional interest. The types of medical services provided by the Mures County Clinical Hospital are: preventive, curative, recovery and palliative, pregnancy and maternity care, as well as newborn care. Apart from the varied range of medical services, the hospital also carries out medical-pharmaceutical, post-secondary, university and post-graduate education activities, continuous medical education, as well as medical scientific research.

     The specificity of the wards, the equipment with complex medical equipment and the specialized medical personnel determine that the demand for the medical services provided by the hospital is high and engages the hospital management in decision-making processes that lead to the increase of the performance and professionalism of the hospital medical act.


