
P1. LHL’s International Tuberculosis Foundation (LHL International), nume official LHLs internasjonale tuberkulosestiftelse (LHL Internasjonal) is an independent foundation from Norway, established on January 1, 2013 by The Norwegian Heart and Lung Patient Organization (an organization of patients and for patients), its mandate being to develop the activity of the parent organization regarding the fight against TB, both in Norway and and internationally.
LHL International Tuberculosis Foundation is based in Norway and has partnerships for TB control in Malawi, Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia, Nepal, Russia and now also in Romania. LHL International's partners are patient organizations, national health authorities and research institutes.


LHL International Tuberculosis Foundation is a NGO from Norway, it’s LHL International’s vision is A world free of tuberculosis!  Our main goal is to reduce the burden of tuberculosis. We work according to a people centred and holistic approach, including everyone affected by TB, particularly focusing on vulnerable groups. Our vision and approach is in line with the leading global initiatives, most importantly the WHOs End TB strategy, the sustainable development goal 3 (SDG) about health and well being, the declaration from the United Nation high level meeting on TB in 2018, and UN Conventions on Human Rights. All these initiatives recognise that upholding rights for all – leaving no one behind – and addressing poverty as a determinant of health are vital to end the TB epidemic.

Together with our local partners we find the people who are sick with TB and get them diagnosed as early as possible. We ensure that those diagnosed are put on the correct treatment and prevent drop-out and lost to follow up. We support and care for patients both during and after treatment to ensure cure and to reduce health complications.

And we find, treat and cure through our four main approaches:

  • Provide people-centred TB prevention and care
  • Combat stigma and discrimination of people affected by TB
  • Support community engagement and organisation(s) of TB patients
  • Advocate for political commitment and funding of TB initiatives and TB research

P2. Asociația pentru sprijinirea pacienților – ASPTMR is a non-profit association established in August 2011, based on Ordinance no. 26/2000 regarding associations and foundations (with subsequent additions and amendments).

The mission of the organization: Through joint action we promote and support the right to health services, social protection, high quality education in order to eradicate tuberculosis.

The main activities:

– Free counseling for any mental health issue for patients and their families, peer support activities for patients in treatment.

–         Consiliere juridică gratuită pentru problemele legale pentru pacienți și familiile lor

– Information-educational activities for patients and their families related to life problems (vocational reorientation counseling, management of personal funds, problem-solving techniques and methods, etc.)

– Advocacy for patients' rights

– Information-education activities for the general population, patients, health service providers, stakeholders regarding tuberculosis, access to treatment, medico-psycho-social issues.

Relevant projects carried out in recent years:

  • RO19.01 Improving the health status of the Romanian population by increasing the capacity to control tuberculosis funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009 – 2014, in partnership with LHL International Tuberulosis Foundation from Norway,
  • Between April 1, 2015 and September 31, 2018, the project was implemented Integrated services for TB patients in Romania, financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the main recipient was the Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation, the project took place in partnership with the National Union of Organizations of People Affected by HIV/AIDS (UNOPA).
  • "Hope for children Suffering of Tuberculosis" was a project in Bucharest and Constanța, funded by Adobe Foundation USA, started in May 2018 and ended in May 2019

"Organization of programs for early detection (screening), diagnosis and early treatment of tuberculosis, including latent tuberculosis", POCU 4.9, started in March 2018, ended in March 2023, carried out in partnership with the Institute of Pneumology Prof. Dr Marius Nasta, UNOPA, RAA, ARAS, SAMU Social, CPSS

