What are the symptoms of the COVID-19 infection?
How is the COVID-19 infection transmitted?
The virus is easily transmitted from person to person, through the air (especially in closed and unventilated spaces) but also through infected particles that fall on surfaces, from where they can be taken on the hands and then transferred to the mouth, nose or eyes.
Purtarea măștii, păstrarea distanței și spălarea mâinilor sunt cele mai eficiente metode de prevenire a transmiterii virusului.
How is the infection with Covid-19 diagnosed?
The infection is confirmed by performing the rapid test (antigen test) or RT-PCR (Sars-CoV-2 viral RNA) from the nasal/pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal exudate. A positive test shows that the person has the active infection, which they can spread.
What is the treatment for Covid-19 infection?
Patients with Covid-19 infection require isolation. The treatment is established by the attending physician for each individual patient, according to the national Sars-CoV-2 infection treatment protocol. The person with asymptomatic infection with Sars-CoV-2 does not require drug treatment.
Prevention of Covid-19 infection
The most effective way to prevent infection with Covid-19 is vaccination. The next step is to avoid crowded areas, wear a mask in crowded places, wash your hands, and avoid infected people.