
Promotor de Proiect: Spitalul Clinic Județean Mureș, adresa: P-ța Bernády György, Nr. 6, 540072, Tîrgu-Mureș, Romania www.spitaljudeteanmures.ro, e-mail: [email protected] Partener ONG: Asociația pentru Sprijinirea Pacienților cu Tuberculoză multi drog-rezistentă ASPTMR, Șos Panduri nr. 29, București, România - www.asptmr.ro Partener donor de proiect: LHL's International Tuberculosis Foundation (LHL International), Grensen 3, 0159 Oslo, Norway www.lhl.no/en/lhl-international

    Contact Info

  • P-ta Bernady Gyorgy nr. 6 Targu Mures Jud. Mures

Preventing the spread of infection with COVID-19 and Tuberculosis among vulnerable people by improving their access to health services in Mures county, where the main social problems current ones are: the aging of the population, the expansion of the phenomenon of poverty, long-term high unemployment, high youth unemployment rate, low inclusion in the labor market, high school dropout rate, percentage raised by the poverty-stricken Roma population.

The general objective of the project is the growth of the access of the vulnerable population, including the roma population, to medical services integrated for the prevention and treatment of priority diseases for health public (COVID 19 and Tuberculosis) through the development and implementation of a integrated program of prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and monitoring at the level of vulnerable communities in Mures County.

The project contributes to the achievement of the general objective of of the RO20 Health program, namely the improvement of prevention and reduction inequalities in the field of health, resulting in the reduction of the rate of infection and the decrease in the number of illnesses with COVID-19 and TB for a number of over 1,000 people from among vulnerable groups, including the roma population, from MURES county.

Budget: 4.811.849,35 lei
85% from Norwegian grant funds
15% co-financing from the Romanian budget

1: Improving preventive health services by implementing a simultaneous screening program for two infectious-contagious diseases with airborne transmission: COVID-19 and Tuberculosis for at least 1000 people, including 200 from roma population, from vulnerable communities in Mures county, in order to ensure equitable access to medical assistance during the project implementation period, 18 months.

2: Improving the health infrastructure through rehabilitation of the TB Dispensary Tg. Mures, building intended for prevention, the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis and the provision of an X-ray machine.

3: Increasing the degree of awareness and education of the vulnerable population of Mures county regarding the importance of preventive health services regarding the mode of spread, prevention and treatment of the two infectious diseases by organizing an information campaign for a target group about the elementary notions of hygiene to prevent infectious-contagious diseases.

4: Increasing the quality of medical services in Mures county by training the medical staff to ensure access of the vulnerable population to medical assistance in order to reduce social inequalities in Mures county.

Project manager: Dr. Szasz Carmen Elena

• Approximately 1,000 rapid tests/RT PCR for the detection of COVID-19

• About 1,000 rapid tests/Genexpert for the epidemic of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)

• Van (8+1) for transporting people - 1 pc

• Roentgen machine - 1 pc

• Rehabilitation of TB Dispensary Tg. Mures

* Organizing an online workshop with international participarion regarding the TB prevention, early diagnosis and monitoring under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic

• More than 30 people employed in TB units (doctors, nurses, administrative staff) trained in TB Infection control and COVID 19 health personnel

• More than 30 health mediators and community nurses from 30 poor rural communities will attend DOT and education and prevention courses in the field of infectious diseases
